Fr. Stephane Pouliot, Director
Born in the Province of Quebec in 1974, Father Stephane Pouliot is a bilingual Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario since 2003. His involvement in "Homes of Joy" began with a meeting with Micaela Roughton & Ab Lelievre in Ab's Brockville apartment more than 10 years ago.
Never looking back, in 2017, he entered the African Continent, preaching an evangelization course in Kampala, Uganda. He is more convinced than ever of the great value of "Homes of Joy" as a charity for the Zambian orphan girls whose parents died of AIDS. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, famously assumed the famous motto "You did it to me" (Mt 25:40), in which Jesus identifies Himself to the poorest, loneliest, and least likely to be visited, aided, and supported. It is therefore most fitting that the Missionaries Sisters who serve the orphan girls of Zambia came from the very country where St. Mother Teresa served Jesus most beautifully: India.
Father Stephane is most proud of the highest ethical standards which "Homes of Joy" has consistently displayed, minimizing administration costs, and maximizing the positive impact on the girls' life of giving these girls a future with hope (cf. Jer 29:11). He is also grateful that "Homes of Joy" continually sustains its original vision of supporting an African-based solution to the tragic consequences of AIDS on the orphan girls of Zambia, fully respecting the autonomy of the Sisters' governance of the orphanage inspired by a Catholic worldview at the service of the common good of the girls they care for with their big hearts.