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Susan Visneski, Treasurer and Secretary

Susan Visneski has been a family friend of Micaela’s for many years and has followed the development of Homes of Joy since its inception through sponsorship and assistance to the Board when requested. Susan has a background in accounting particularly with charitable organizations and she was always ready to lend a hand.  In 2013, Susan was formally asked to join the Board of Homes of Joy as Secretary of the Board as well as assisting the Treasurer with the accounting management. Upon the retirement of Mary Roughton, the former Treasurer of Homes of Joy in November 2019, Susan also assumed those duties as well as the duties of Secretary. 

Susan’s background in accounting along with her many years of experience working with charitable organizations like Girl Guides of Canada, Scouts Canada, United Way, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the local parish has given Homes of Joy a great asset in both organizational skills and compassion to the girls of Nyumba Yanga, Future in My Hands and beyond.  

As a grandmother now, Susan also gives Homes of Joy a different point of view as we continue to do the best for our girls and young women in Zambia. Sue also hopes to travel to Zambia on our next site visit to help evaluate both projects in person and meet the girls and Sisters!

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